Welcome Back People! Alumni Greets

The Sharanbasaveshwar College of Commerce for Alumni Association is founded on January 2012. The association endeavors to strengthen the ties among its alumni by addressing the concerns of members with a view to learn and adapt to changes that are necessary. Alumni Association creates and maintains a life-long connection between the Institute and its alumni. In collaboration with the Alumni Association college works to connect alumni, support students and build an unforgettable Institute experience through a diversity of events, programming and services.
The Association is registered and works to foster strong bonds between alumni, students and the Institute, to keep alumni informed,and create a network enabling them to remain engaged with their college and help shape it’s future through the Association’s programmes and services.
Alumni of the college contribute to the college development by giving financial assistance or donating educational material.
This Alumni Association works as an interface for maintaining the relationship with the alumni and to involve them in the development and growth of the institution. It promotes and encourages the alumni to exchange professional knowledge by organizing conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings amongst alumni, students, faculty and others.

click here for –   Alumni Registration Certificate
click here for –   Office bearers of Alumni Association


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