About Sangha


The Sharanabasaveshwara Vidya Vardhak Sangha, which runs more than seventy institutions, founded in 1903, works on the education philosophy propounded by the President of our Sangha, Poojya Dr. Sharnbaswappa Appa. The philosophy goes thus, ” No religion is greater than service. Teaching and learning not only for the sake of livelihood, but also for the welfare of others, thinking that serving humanity is serving God, is Kayaka Dasoha philosophy of education”. As the famous poet Robert Frost says, we indeed have “Many miles to go and many promises to keep” to a great extent our management has been treading this path relentlessly. That is why our president Poojya Dr.Appaji has given us the essence of educational philosophy in the following pithy statement.

                                            “Service to Humanity is Service to God”

Poojya Dr. Sharnbaswappa Appa, the modern savant, erudite scholar, a finest exponent of Dasoha philosophy, himself being a techno-savvy as the modern days expect an educationist to be, is extolled by everyone. This princely personality has been the cause of installing the equestrian statue of Mahatma Basaveshwara, the 12th century Veerasaiva saint, at Parliament premises in New-Delhi. He is pioneer in opening Gulbarga University, and bringing Gulbarga on the educational map of India. He is fostering and nurturing the entire region of Gulbarga in all its spheres. Yet another astounding feat he has embarked upon is the roofing of multi-tier edifice (Shikar) with golden plate on the Mahasamadhi of Lord Sharanabasaveshwara and making it the Golden Temple of south India. Kudos to the philosopher-poet, Poojya Appaji made in his act of nation-building.

The Sharanabasaveshwara Vidya Vardhak Sangha was founded by the 6th Peethadhipati, and it made a humble, yet a noble beginning with its first school housed in Mahadasoha Mahamane – the spiritual abode. Then onwards it has never looked back and has grown into leaps and bounds. Dedicating itself to the pursuit of service and excellence, it has grown into a mammoth educational center imparting science, commerce, management, arts, engineering and technical education to nearly twenty five thousand students from KG to PG studying in seventy plus institutions, in hundred years of its meaningful and eventful existence it has spent more than hundred crores. “Very rarely an institution starts with a library. So I was taken by surprise and veneration for this institution, because the institution started with a library”. This is how Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, the Ex-President of our country pays tribute to our Sangha. Illustrious Sons of India and dignitaries including the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, down to Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, the Ex-President of India have visited to our Institution.

Poojya Appaji says ‘A Teacher who does not teach students to think independently is not a teacher, A student who does not learn to think independently is not a student’. Hence we infuse the spirit of enquiry into the minds of young students, which will certainly take them to a better position, when confronted with crises. We not only empower the students but see that their inherent strengths are tapped and nurtured, and further made to realize and also sustain them forever. It is a well accepted fact that the prosperity of the nation rests on the quantum of research undertaken with the available resources that we strive to emphasize in our institution.

Self-discipline and independent thinking are the two corner-stones of our institution on which the lives of students are built. The faculty makes all-out efforts to stimulate intellectual honesty among the fellow students, and our students also live in a rich cultural environment in the college uniform.
India is a land of composite culture; naturally the strength of our campus is multiculturalism, as there are students coming from different spectrums of life, be it regions, castes or languages, but they are all unified and united in our premises. This kind of ambience gives us a scope to promote and nurture the talents available and infuse the spirit of multiculturalism. This is bedrock of our philosophy. We make the students learn how to cope up with varied styles and thinking, and motivate them to work together for the good of the society. We make tireless efforts to make our students responsible citizens of the world.