Student Grievance Redressal cell

Grievance Redressal Cell
A Centralised Confidential Students Grievance Redressal Cell has been constituted to redress the grievances and complaints of the students as per the direction of the Govt. of Karnataka.

The Students Grievance Redressal Committee has been formed under the Chairmanship of the Principal to redress the grievances and complaint of the students. The student’s grievance box is kept in College premises. The box is opened every month and scrutinizes the suggestions / grievance of the students, final decision will be taken with the consultation of the committee by the Principal.

The committee looks after to keep the healthy working atmosphere amongst students, staff and parents. This cell helps the students to record their complaint and solve their problems related to academic matters, financial matters, resources and personal grievances. The committee sorts out their problems promptly and judiciously. As a result the institute has pleasant ambient atmosphere and good culture. The composition of the Students Grievance Redressal Committee is as follows.

Student Grievance Redressal Committee

Sri. Dayanand HodalCoordinatorDept. of Economics
Smt. Siddamma PatilMemberDept. of Commerce
Smt. Varsha PatilMemberDept. of Commerce