Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell

As an innovative practice, the Institution has established Women’s Grievance Cell with the objectives of redressing the grievances of the students and the staff It provides information regarding counselling and support services on the campus, and promotes awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a respectful and safe campus environment.

Functions of the Cell :

To provide a neutral, confidential and supportive environment for members of the campus community who may have been sexually harassed.

  1. To advice complainants of the informal and formal means of resolution as specified by the Cell.
  2. To ensure the fair and timely resolution of sexual harassment complaints.
  3. To provide information regarding counselling and support services on the campus.
  4. To ensure that students, faculty and staff are provided with current and comprehensive materials on sexual harassment and assault.
  5. To promote awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a respectful and safe campus environment.

Womens Grievance Redressal Cell Committee

Dr. Sunanda. VanjerkhedeCoordinatorDept. of Commerce
Smt. Siddamma PatilMemberDept. of Commerce
Miss. Arathi SMemberDept. of Commerce