Online feedback is sought from the students on curriculum by uploading ten questions and due responses are received from them These responses are duly analysed. The gist of it is as follows:
Students response of strongly agree to the question “… creates interest to study and attend class” is highest , that is, 40.4%.
Students response of strongly agree to question -2 “…it’s not too heavy or too short is lowest , that is, 22%
Agree responses are of average 48% .
Strongly agree responses amount to overall 31.1% .
On the basis of responses 11.5 percent students have opted to remain neutral.
Average 5.5% responses of students disagree to the contents of syllabus.
Only 2.2% responses of students strongly disagree to the contents of the syllabus.
The overall opinion about syllabus by the students is as follows : Excellent 34.1%, Good 47.3% , Fair 5.4%, Average 8.4%, Poor 4.8% .